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Year: 2023

Happy Nowruz 2023, I promise to watch the sky more

The sunset of the last day of the year and the sunrise of the first day of the new year signify the end of another chapter of life and an excuse to renew everything we have or want to have. It’s like starting from Sunday, but at least it gives us a chance to think about refreshing the worn-out things in life and appreciate them.

As I write this post, I think about the past years. I think about the non-thirties who were almost climbing one of the surrounding mountains every week and looking for an opportunity to be in nature. He loved the mountains and wanted facilities for longer trips and to discover new things.

Now that these facilities are more or less available, I am unfortunately caught up in the routine of daily life and employment. The few remaining hours of the day are spent on relieving tiredness, cleaning, and driving (not walking). Five years ago, everything I have now was a wish for me, and today, the very things I own are the shackles and chains and the cause of my regret for not being able to return to the past [freedom of action]. Even writing this post causes the clamor of the worn-out part of me that has written 120 posts in a year.

It has been a long time since I have deviated from the semi-goals I had, and even if I don’t mention the destructive feeling of FOMO, I still have the feeling of being a soldier who all his peers have been discharged and I am left with months of extra service in an environment where I have the smallest sense of belonging.

Something that is clearly evident is my need for change. Something that is not clear is the power and ability I have to destroy anything I have created so far, and something that is not clear at all is whether it is really worth it or not. Recently, one of my closest friends, who shares a similar mindset to mine, asked me if it is really necessary to destroy everything we create. Is this a form of masochism and an inability to handle peace?

Perhaps it is, perhaps it is not.

However, I still want to be a hunter-gatherer. I still need the ability to stare into human eyes. I still cannot enjoy the habit of looking down. I need a change, and this change starts with a promise. I promise to watch the sky more.

Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work

Have you ever encountered someone in your workplace who seems charming and confident on the outside, but on the inside is manipulative, deceitful, and lacks empathy? This is the topic of “Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work,” a book written by Dr. Paul Babiak and Dr. Robert D. Hare. The authors examine the traits and behaviors of psychopaths in the workplace and how they can rise to positions of power.

The book starts by defining psychopathy and explaining how it is different from other mental disorders. It then goes on to describe the characteristics of a psychopath, including charm, manipulation, deceit, lack of empathy, and grandiosity. The authors explain that while these traits can be harmful in any environment, they can be especially dangerous in the workplace, where psychopaths can use their charisma and cunning to exploit others and manipulate situations to their advantage.

One of the most compelling parts of the book is the case studies that the authors present, showing how psychopaths can behave in the workplace. These examples serve to illustrate the different ways that psychopaths can use their abilities to deceive, manipulate, and control their colleagues and superiors. They also show how their actions can lead to significant harm for both the individuals they interact with and the organization as a whole.

The authors also provide practical advice for recognizing and dealing with psychopaths in the workplace. They emphasize the importance of understanding the signs and behaviors that indicate that someone may be a psychopath, and how to protect oneself from their influence. They also offer suggestions for organizations to prevent psychopaths from rising to positions of power, including implementing effective screening and selection processes, promoting a healthy workplace culture, and fostering open communication and transparency.

Loungeia, a book summary with artificial intelligence flavor

A few days ago, seeking tranquility and an unhealthy state of mind, I used an old trick of mine to jumpstart the frozen gears of my mind, and that trick is nothing but creating something new.

You might have heard of ChatGPT in recent times. It’s an AI system that resembles a human and talks with you, with unparalleled ability to respond. On one side, there’s you, and on the other, a quasi-human entity that understands you and generates content for you, with the best possible understanding.

With a small idea that came to my mind, I decided to have this system summarize a few books for me. But in a way that the main ideas of the book would be in the response, and by reading just the response, I could have an overall understanding of the book’s content. The result was something named Loungeia. It’s a platform that creates book summaries with artificial intelligence, and publishes them in a simple blog format.

Please check out the project, and if you have any suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

8 Small Reminders in Crisis

  1. Overthinking: Write it down.
  2. Anxiety: Practice meditation.
  3. Stress: Take a walk.
  4. Fatigue: Take a rest.
  5. Unhappiness: Exercise.
  6. Excitability: Listen to calming music.
  7. Distraction: Turn off your phone.
  8. Depression: Read a book.