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Tag: Minimal

Is there anything in the world worth living for?

Can this plan be changed? Or do we have to go back the entire 90-year path and forget everything? At what level of abstraction can we define the right? At what level of abstraction can we define the soil? What is worth dying for? Is there anything in the world that is worth dying for? On the other hand, is there anything in the world worth living for?


Two things are essential for change in life:

  • Obtaining new things
  • Getting rid of old things
    The latter leads to obtaining new things and ultimately results in a change in life.

Now what?

You can challenge the entire history and universe with the question “Now what?”
And with a sarcastic look, you can challenge the question itself.

Sleepers Paradox

Someone who puts themselves to sleep can wake up, but not someone who is truly asleep.