Notes from thoughts, memories, and events

Tag: Self-discovery (Page 2 of 2)

“Why Labeling People as “Deviant from the Norm” is a Faulty Concept

I don’t have a good relationship with people who label themselves as having a flaw. For example, someone who sees their large brain as a disadvantage. Why is this? Because we don’t have a real, true definition for this issue. You can’t say a small brain is good and a large brain is bad. Another example, someone says their ethics are bad and because of that, they condemn themselves.

You can’t say their ethics are bad, because ethics don’t have a completely correct definition. Maybe the most ethical people are less accepted because of their ethics.

My point is that as long as we don’t have a specific criterion, we can’t label anything or anyone as “deviant from the norm.”

Worse still, it’s not just the person himself, but someone else may label someone else’s ethics as deviant from society’s norm. Perhaps that person has a unique perspective and has no interest in being part of society, so their ethics don’t need to be accepted by a society that doesn’t align with their values. As a result, their ethics are not only deviant from the norm but also completely correct.

In conclusion, labeling someone as deviant from the norm is a faulty concept. We need to understand that people have their own unique perspectives and ethics, and instead of labeling them as flawed, we should celebrate their differences.”

Why you are different?

Individuality, composed of perspectives, is based on self-confidence which is also based on perspectives and experiences. Social relationships also have a base on self-confidence, which is based on perspectives.

If an individual faces a problem with their social relationships, they will search for the root of the issue in their self-confidence. By further reflection, they will discover that the root of their self-confidence lies in their perspectives. When their perspectives are not what they should be, their perspectives will change.

What has occurred is a “creative collapse”, leaving behind an individual who is confused and lost. All of their inner structures have become level with the ground and they have returned to the beginning, a beginning that is not empty and still holds past experiences from their previous perspectives.

What needs to be done is to stabilize their perspectives or create conditions that will not allow for a change in perspectives that will cause a few stones, which have been placed on top of each other, to be disturbed and destabilize the individual’s inner structures.

Individuality builds self-confidence based on some variables and some stable perspectives. Their social relationships also exist based on this self-confidence.

Conclusion: An individual who has started to transform and rebuild from within and has taken the road less traveled, after several years, reaches a point where they have a clearer and stronger sense of self and their place in society.

This is the main reason for my difference.


Taoism is a philosophy and religious tradition that originated in ancient China. The term “Tao” translates to “the way” or “the path,” and the central tenet of Taoism is to live in harmony with the Tao, or the natural order of the universe.

Taoism has its roots in ancient Chinese beliefs and is said to have been founded by Lao Tzu, a legendary sage who lived in the 6th century BCE. The main text of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching, is attributed to Lao Tzu and is considered a masterpiece of Chinese literature. The Tao Te Ching is a collection of 81 poems that provide insights and guidance for living in harmony with the Tao.

One of the key teachings of Taoism is the concept of non-action, or wu-wei. This means that one should live in a state of effortless flow, letting things happen naturally and not trying to control or manipulate events. This allows one to live in harmony with the Tao, avoiding unnecessary conflict and effort.

Another central concept of Taoism is the yin-yang duality, which represents the balance of opposite forces in the universe. Taoists believe that everything in the universe has both a yin and yang aspect, and that true balance and harmony come from finding a balance between these opposing forces.

Taoism also emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and not getting too caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past. This is achieved by practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present moment, letting go of worries and negative thoughts.

In addition to its philosophical teachings, Taoism also includes various spiritual practices, such as meditation, tai chi, and qigong. These practices are designed to help one live in harmony with the Tao, cultivate inner peace, and achieve a sense of spiritual fulfillment.

Today, Taoism remains an influential philosophy and religious tradition in China and throughout the world. Many people find its teachings of living in harmony with nature, cultivating inner peace, and letting go of worries and negative thoughts to be practical and relevant for modern life.

In conclusion, Taoism is a rich and ancient philosophy that provides valuable insights and guidance for living a harmonious, fulfilling life. Whether you are interested in its teachings for spiritual reasons or simply as a way to find balance and peace in your daily life, the Tao has much to offer.

Last station

It’s comforting to be in a place where someone has thought ahead and made decisions for you, but sometimes you find yourself in a situation where no one has gone before. In these moments, you realize that you are alone and there is no one to turn to for help. It’s like being at the bottom of a mountain and still wanting to climb higher.

However, these moments of uncertainty can also be opportunities for growth and self-discovery. By stepping outside of what is familiar and comfortable, you challenge yourself to think critically and creatively. You learn to rely on your own instincts and experiences, and you come to understand your own strengths and weaknesses.

So, the next time you find yourself in a situation where no one has gone before, embrace it. Embrace the challenge and the uncertainty, and use it as a chance to grow and develop as a person. You never know where it might take you, but taking the first step is always the hardest part.

What Separates Humans from Animals? It’s the Ability to Ask ‘Why?’

Today I came across an interesting thought: what sets humans apart from animals? Is it intelligence, thinking, or the power of choice? After much contemplation, I realized that what truly distinguishes us is our ability to ask “why”.

As long as a human is asking why, they are still human. If they stop asking, they have given up and stopped being human. This thought is both profound and intriguing.

The pursuit of knowledge and the desire to understand the world around us is what drives us forward as a species. It’s what pushes us to innovate, create, and explore. Without this sense of curiosity and questioning, we would simply be like any other animal, content with what we have and unable to imagine anything more.

In my opinion, this is what makes us truly unique and special. So next time you find yourself asking why, remember that it’s what separates you from the rest of the animal kingdom.

So, embrace your curious nature and never stop asking why. It’s what makes us human.

The Summer of Self-Discovery

It’s a warm summer night, and I’m lying on the grass, looking up at the stars. I’m 17 years old, and for the first time, I feel like I’m on the brink of discovering who I am and what I want from life.

As I gaze up at the endless expanse of the universe, I imagine all the possibilities that lie ahead of me. I picture myself traveling to far-off lands, meeting new and interesting people, and making a real impact on the world.

But then I think about all the uncertainties and fears that come with growing up. What if I make the wrong choices? What if I never find my place in the world? These thoughts can be overwhelming, and I sometimes feel like I’m not ready for the responsibilities of adulthood.

But then I remember that I have the power to shape my own destiny, to create the life that I want. And I know that as long as I stay true to myself and follow my passions, everything will work out in the end.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. I know that the journey ahead will be filled with twists and turns, but I’m ready to embrace the unknown and see where it takes me.

This is a special time in my life, a time of endless potential and endless possibilities. And I’m excited to see where the future will take me, and what kind of person I’ll become.

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