Notes from thoughts, memories, and events

Tag: Self-discovery (Page 1 of 2)

The Chronicles of Disillusionment

Scene 1
High school ends, and now you’re faced with countless paths you could choose to follow for the rest of your life. Driven by your passion and the belief that this path might lead to your dreams, you choose a field related to computer science.

Scene 2
It’s your first day at university. You replay the scenes you’ve seen in movies in your mind, thinking you’re now part of an educated elite who understands a bit more than the average person. But as you observe those around you and the various professors, you realize how misguided that notion was.

Scene 3
You struggle through university and finally finish. Now it’s time to use what you’ve learned and enter the job market. You remain hopeful, having invested so much time learning things that even university professors barely understand, let alone those outside the academic world.

Scene 4
You find a way to introduce yourself to the market, land your first client, and secure a contract. The project is supposed to be completed in two weeks, and the payment you receive would typically last you six months.

You’re excited and start working on the project. The delivery day arrives, and the client says the work is great but needs a few minor changes. After these adjustments, they promise to release the payment.

Scene 5
Six months pass, and you finally finish the supposed changes, whether real or imagined. The client promises to settle soon. Three more months go by.

Scene 6
The energy you had stored up over years, along with the contents of your wallet, runs out during this period. Failure? Not quite; you have to survive. You navigate through thousands of competitors and get your next project, this time promising to be completed in a month.

Scene 7
As you approach the end of the project, the client calls and says their niece has created a “Blogfa website” for them, so they no longer need your services. No need to continue.

Scene 8
Here, it’s impossible. It’s the third world, after all. You decide to work with overseas clients, where projects worth thousands of dollars are being done for twenty dollars by people from India and Pakistan. It seems the mess of the third world has spilled over to the first world.

You find an intermediary to get projects for you. It appears you’ve found your way. Things go well, you complete the work, and you’re ready to receive your earnings. But your country and its banks are sanctioned. You turn to intermediaries again, who take a significant cut of your money. So, you decide to ask your intermediary to hold your funds and send them all at once.

Scene 9
Six months pass. Now you want to get your money, with elaborate plans in mind. You contact your intermediary. They refuse to give you your money. Pour the water where it burns the most.

Scene 10
Struggling to breathe, you decide to abandon freelancing and stay employed in a company until things stabilize. You accept one of the job offers. What’s your role? Supporting a system that was developed in the U.S., localized in Shiraz, optimized in Isfahan, malfunctioned in Tehran, and sold in Tabriz.

You see your dreams crumbling.

Scene 11
You resign, abandoning both employment and freelancing. The new path is to start a startup. You begin working with a team. Time passes, the work concludes. Now it’s time to find an investor. Sit tight until one appears.

Scene 12
Snow falls as you sit by the window. An old Russian opera plays on the gramophone.

From introversion to extroversion

From introversion to extroversion. Or more precisely, the skill of communicating with people is a long road. I was thinking about how grateful I am to anyone who has tolerated my behaviors during my difficult times, and of course, I am indebted to those who have pointed out my bad behavior in the most explicit way possible. Now that I face people similar to myself during those times, I realize how difficult it is for them to tolerate it, and how much better chance they lose in life just because no one listens to them, they remain rude.

The truth is, if you want to communicate with people, you have to think a lot about your words and behaviors. The idea that people are obliged to perceive everything passing through my mind without any effort to better understand it is foolish. And of course, you have to throw away your selfish brain. Being decisive and insisting on personal opinions is valuable when you at least have reasons (not just feelings) for being right.

Remember that we can learn anything related to work, thinking, social relationships, and anything else that exists. If we are rude, let’s learn how not to be rude. If we have problems in friendship, let’s learn why we have problems and how not to have them, and so on.

Me and “Me”

Me and my hand. Me and my foot. Me and my brain. Me and my behavior. Me and my personality. Me and the person in whom I live. Me and the person in whom I live and who depends on me. Me and the person whose deficiencies I must make up for. Me and the person whose culture and civilization I must respect. Me and the person for whom I must strive to survive. Me and the person whom I must force to forgo many pleasures.

Success Spammers

It took thousands of years for humans to realize that, according to the inherent belief in God, they don’t need intermediaries to communicate with Him, and priests are useless in this regard. I don’t know how many years, perhaps thousands of years, will pass until humanity understands that if someone knows the path to success (assuming we have a clear definition of success), they will become successful. They don’t hold seminars or publish books saying, “Come on, follow me, and you will be successful.” We shouldn’t call these individuals anything but spammers.


Two things are essential for change in life:

  • Obtaining new things
  • Getting rid of old things
    The latter leads to obtaining new things and ultimately results in a change in life.

You are defined by the actions you take

Life is never defined by what you know about yourself. You are defined by the actions you take. Perhaps even by yourself. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s an inevitable one.

The difference between having unfulfilled dreams and not knowing what your dreams are is stark. When you have unfulfilled dreams, you at least have a direction in life, and a goal to work towards. But when you don’t know what your dreams are, you’re just aimlessly wandering through life without any purpose or drive.

It’s important to take the time to reflect and discover what it is that truly drives and inspires you. What are your passions and aspirations? What do you want to achieve in life? Once you know these things, you can start taking the necessary steps to make your dreams a reality.

Don’t let life pass you by without having a sense of purpose. Take the time to figure out what drives you and go after it with everything you’ve got. The satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from pursuing your dreams are priceless.



The mind often doesn’t allow you to logically understand who is right and who is wrong. For example, in a discussion, if you have a particular mindset, in the end, no matter how many arguments you make, you will still return to your mindset and your desired outcome. A good way to avoid this is to keep track of the number of failures in the discussion. For example, if you use the word “however” more than 5-4 times in a discussion, it’s likely that your argument is not correct and you are just thinking you are right because of your mindset.

Paradox of being different

It is strange to try to be different and understand that all these efforts are just to be ordinary. Like people who create differences and try to eliminate them. I am confused about those who try to be different. After a while, you realize that all the trouble and effort put into being different is just for the sake of being ordinary. You eventually come back to square one.

This paradox highlights the irony of trying to stand out in a world where everyone is striving for the same thing – to be average. It seems that in our pursuit of uniqueness, we often end up with the same result as everyone else. This phenomenon can be disheartening, but it’s important to remember that true uniqueness lies in our individuality, and not in the things we do or the way we look. Embracing who we are and what makes us special is the key to finding true fulfillment and happiness.

The Weakness of Managers

In my opinion, managers and executives who have a management mindset are weak individuals and can not be labeled as strategic. Since they are always looking up and busy with lower-level people.

Maybe that’s why I never tried to be a manager, except during my childhood. In fact, I never thought about being a manager or not. I just wanted to reach my goal. I never looked back.

Two notes:
It’s good to be able to manage other people. This post is just a post, not a theory. Being able to manage people who are better and superior to you is something else, it depends on specific individuals.

Andante, antes de que muera
(Move, before you die.)
– Pablo Neruda


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