Notes from thoughts, memories, and events

Month: November 2012

The Rigors of Life

Life can be a harsh mistress and it constantly reminds us that time is fleeting. From the moment we leave the comfort of our mother’s embrace, we must learn to forego the security and peace of being cared for, and embrace the challenges of the world.

As we go to school, we leave behind the carefree days of childhood, and must spend several hours a day in the classroom in order to prepare ourselves for the future. Then, as we enter military service, the comfort and leisure of life are a distant memory, as we find ourselves working long hours and standing guard, unable to get a full night’s sleep.

When we finally strike out on our own, we face the greatest challenges of all – providing for ourselves, making ends meet, and ensuring our safety and well-being. And when we grow old, life can become even more demanding, with health problems and the need for constant care.

But despite all these challenges, life remains a precious gift, one that we should cherish and make the most of each day. Whether we are young or old, we must always strive to meet life’s demands and overcome its obstacles, so that we can live fulfilling and meaningful lives.

I need your voice

I am making a documentary film for a university project on entrepreneurship in the IT industry. I have almost everything ready, including photos, video clips, interviews, etc. I just need someone to read a short text (two pages for the introduction and ten lines for the conclusion) that I have written. If you have half an hour of free time, please let me know and I will send you the text and the necessary notes.

The Inadequacy of College Professors

In my opinion, the professors here, even if they talk sweet and rich, their knowledge is limited. They only repeat the content that they have memorized or learned throughout their years of teaching. Please do not disrespect either yourself or the professor by asking questions. If you know the professor’s quotes, don’t forget them until the day of the exam. It’s that easy.

Bathroom of the asylum

Last night, I had a dream. It had been a while since I had a dream that I remembered. Usually, I forget my dreams within moments of waking up. But this dream was different. It lingered in my mind long after I woke up.

I was in a hospital, and I knew I was not a patient. I thought I had gone there to research the patients and their conditions. I would ask anyone I encountered about their reasons for being there, only to find out that they were completely alone. The hospital was a modern facility, with white walls and a sterile atmosphere.

As night fell, I wanted to leave, but I couldn’t. The strangest thing was that the way out was blocked by a crowd. There was another path, though, which was dark, dense, and foggy. What was even stranger was that the fog was everywhere. I don’t know why I took that path in the first place.

The return was impossible. The dream was vivid and intense, and I woke up feeling bewildered and curious. This dream has stayed with me, and I can’t help but wonder what it means.

The Weakness of Managers

In my opinion, managers and executives who have a management mindset are weak individuals and can not be labeled as strategic. Since they are always looking up and busy with lower-level people.

Maybe that’s why I never tried to be a manager, except during my childhood. In fact, I never thought about being a manager or not. I just wanted to reach my goal. I never looked back.

Two notes:
It’s good to be able to manage other people. This post is just a post, not a theory. Being able to manage people who are better and superior to you is something else, it depends on specific individuals.

Andante, antes de que muera
(Move, before you die.)
– Pablo Neruda


Tabriz Cafes Directory

I have set up a page on Facebook for introducing and reviewing the cafes and coffee shops in Tabriz, along with pictures of their environments and of course, their menu prices.

Of course, I also need your comments for a fair critique. I would appreciate it if you could take a look at the page and share your experiences at different cafes in the form of comments.

The page of coffee shops in Tabriz on Facebook (inactive-link)

I have added three more pages to the previous one to completely cover all such places.

On these pages, for more than three years, we have been introducing and reviewing coffee shops, traditional cafes, fast foods and restaurants along with users. I did not think that such pages would be needed so much. We have reached 15,000 likes. Thank you all for your support.

Recent animal abuses in Tabriz

Lately, I’ve been tweeting about supporting animals and something has come to my attention. Every once in a while, I see stray cats with their tails cut off in the city. There seem to be no consequences for the culprits. I don’t even know who to hold accountable. I’ve heard rumors of a group of people with specific beliefs who carry out these acts. I’m going to try to dig deeper and write more about them.

Animal abuse is a real issue that’s been happening right under our noses. While most of us are busy with our daily lives, innocent animals are suffering. This is a call to action for everyone who loves animals and wants to make a difference. We need to raise awareness about this issue and find ways to prevent it from happening. The first step is to educate ourselves and others about animal abuse and its consequences. We can’t just sit back and watch animals suffer. We need to take action and make a change.

A Reflection on Communication Styles

When we see someone speaking, we often feel like they’re talking above their station. We sense that their words don’t align with their type or personality. It doesn’t feel like they’re in sync with our community and so on. But let’s think differently. What exactly does aligning words with type mean? Is there a criterion for this? Or maybe the person has only spoken informally so far and now can’t seem to speak formally. Oh wait, I digressed. Here’s my point: when you feel like someone’s speaking above their station, take a moment to consider that maybe you’re feeling resentment towards their words. Perhaps it’s a feeling of inadequacy, a lack of those thoughts. A feeling that someone can’t think that widely. Our society doesn’t encourage this type of thinking, and so on.


Imagine a place, truly empty, with nothing in it, not even you, just your mind, in a white, soundless, and imageless void.

What do you think you would be doing in this place? Trying to understand why everything is white, why there is no sound, why there is nothing.

Suddenly, your mind starts to move in this environment, in fact, you are moving in this environment, you reach other minds that are also involved in this environment. One corner of this environment is occupied by desire. Sometimes, those minds push each other out of the way because of this desire.

Good news, you find another mind that is just like you, wandering.

“Why Labeling People as “Deviant from the Norm” is a Faulty Concept

I don’t have a good relationship with people who label themselves as having a flaw. For example, someone who sees their large brain as a disadvantage. Why is this? Because we don’t have a real, true definition for this issue. You can’t say a small brain is good and a large brain is bad. Another example, someone says their ethics are bad and because of that, they condemn themselves.

You can’t say their ethics are bad, because ethics don’t have a completely correct definition. Maybe the most ethical people are less accepted because of their ethics.

My point is that as long as we don’t have a specific criterion, we can’t label anything or anyone as “deviant from the norm.”

Worse still, it’s not just the person himself, but someone else may label someone else’s ethics as deviant from society’s norm. Perhaps that person has a unique perspective and has no interest in being part of society, so their ethics don’t need to be accepted by a society that doesn’t align with their values. As a result, their ethics are not only deviant from the norm but also completely correct.

In conclusion, labeling someone as deviant from the norm is a faulty concept. We need to understand that people have their own unique perspectives and ethics, and instead of labeling them as flawed, we should celebrate their differences.”

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