Notes from thoughts, memories, and events

Tag: Diaries (Page 5 of 7)

Finding Happiness Closer to Home

Recently, I found myself in a difficult situation. After enrolling in a university far from my hometown, I realized that it wasn’t the right fit for me. I felt unfulfilled and unhappy with my situation, and I wasn’t sure what to do next.

Then, one of my friends who was studying at a better branch of the same university in my hometown suggested that we can switch our branches. He had decided that he didn’t want to continue at his current university, and I finally had the chance to continue my education closer to home.

The process of transferring was not easy. There was a lot of paperwork involved, and I had to travel back and forth between the two universities multiple times. Despite these challenges, I persevered and am so glad I did.

Now, I am happily studying at my new university, which is only a short 10-minute drive from my home. I am so grateful for this opportunity to be in a place where I feel comfortable and happy.

Walking Through the Blues

Sometimes, a person’s heart becomes heavy. Neither a good book can change their mood, nor a scientific conversation, nor sleeping, nor drinking tea or coffee, nor even walking with an old friend. Nothing works. The pain persists. So they start walking, from one city to another. The weather is still the same, they light a cigarette, thinking maybe this will help, but it doesn’t. They are still sad. Nothing can change their state of mind. They are tired, their heart remains heavy and it will stay that way. Nothing can change their mood anymore.

As humans, we all have moments where we feel down and nothing seems to lift our spirits. It can be difficult to pinpoint what’s causing the heavy heart, but sometimes it just seems to come out of nowhere. The feeling of being stuck and helpless can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that there’s nothing that can change our current state.

But what if I told you that there’s always a way out of this feeling? That there’s always something that can change our mood and give us a new perspective on life. It may not come in the form of a book, a conversation, or a friend, but it can come in many other shapes and sizes. For example, try practicing gratitude by listing three things you’re thankful for each day. Or, engage in a physical activity like exercise, which has been proven to boost endorphins and improve mood.

Another way to change our state of mind is by traveling, meeting new people, trying new experiences, and stepping out of our comfort zone. Sometimes, a change of scenery is all we need to shake off the heavy heart. But if that’s not possible, try to find new and creative ways to bring joy into your life. Whether it’s through art, music, cooking, or any other hobby that brings you happiness, find what works for you and stick with it.

Remember, it’s important to give yourself time and space to process your feelings, but it’s equally important to not get stuck in them. There’s always a way out, and there’s always something that can change our mood and give us a fresh start. So take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, and try to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

My Journey to Obtaining a Driver’s License

I started taking driving lessons at the beginning of the summer. By the third month, I was finally going to different places and finally, the day of the driving test arrived. But when the time came, the sun was shining bright and I couldn’t see the book I was reading, and as a result, I failed the test. A week later, I was a little late and didn’t take the test. On the third attempt, I finally passed the driving test with a score of 30 (full marks).

On August 28th, 2011, the practical classes started. During the first session, the instructor told me to put one gear in and to release the clutch while giving gas at the same time. I was struggling to follow these instructions. The instructor said to come to the last class for a review and then go for the main test.

On October 2nd, 2011, I finally passed the city driving test on my second attempt. During the first attempt, I was the first one in the group and the stress of driving in front of the inspector made me fail. I hope to receive my driving license within two weeks. At the end, I received a pledge form to take the test, the summary of which was “You are not allowed to drive for a year, otherwise, your license is invalid.”

Nowruz 2011: A New Beginning

It was 3:50 AM on the first day of Farvardin (March 20th) when I received an email from the domain registrar informing me that my domain had been registered and was now set and ready for use. This meant that my personal blog was now online and accessible at ******.

In this blog, I plan to write about daily topics, thoughts, mini-essays, and memories.

The thought section will consist of notes that I write down while I’m pondering everything. The daily topics are self-explanatory, as they will include events from each day.

The mini-essays are like Twitter, where I write short phrases that come to my mind or if I see something that I’d like to share.

Memories are like a personal diary, which will be publicly available.

I wish everyone a Happy Nowruz, and I hope the future is much better than today.

What is life?

Life means the moment:

March 11th, 2011, 7 PM
Life is the moment. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but the moment you’re in right now. That’s your life. Not even that. The feelings you have at this moment are all the life you have.

March 15th, 2011, 5:03 PM
Maybe life is briefly dealing with irregularity.

May 31st, 2011, 5:09 PM
Life goes in two directions, either with the traditions of the family and society or by finding the cause and meaning of life by yourself and finding your own path.
Those who choose the first path enjoy life, but their name is not recorded in history.
Those who choose the second path have their names recorded in history, but I don’t know if they enjoy life or not.
Although I can’t understand whether being recorded in history is really important or not.

My Journey Through Pre-University and University

Today, I received the exciting news that I’ve been accepted into university. I’m thrilled to take this next step in my education, but the craziest part is that I’ll also be attending pre-university classes at the same time. It’s going to be a hectic schedule, with half the week spent here and the other half there.

Honestly, the thought of it is a bit overwhelming. But I’m determined to make it work, even if it means sacrificing some of my free time and social life. After all, education is the foundation of my future and I want to make the most of it.

However, deep down I know that this particular university is not the right fit for me. The atmosphere doesn’t align with my values and aspirations. So, I’m making it a priority to transfer as soon as I can. I’m not willing to compromise my happiness and growth for the sake of a name or reputation.

I believe that life is too short to settle for anything less than what makes you truly happy and fulfilled. And while this may mean a little extra work and stress in the short term, I’m confident that it will lead to a brighter future in the long run.

So, here’s to new beginnings, taking chances, and never settling for less than what we deserve. I’m excited for the journey ahead and can’t wait to see where it takes me.

Happy Yalda!

Last night, I was feeling great, celebrating the longest night of the year with friends and family. But then, suddenly, I wasn’t feeling so good.

Turns out, I got sick. In the middle of the night. During Yalda.

I had to cut the celebration short and head home. It was a bummer, for sure. But at least I made it home, where I could rest and recover.

Now I’m just taking it easy, drinking tea, and letting my body heal. I’m still disappointed that I missed out on the festivities, but I know it’s better to take care of myself and get better.

First White Hair: A Sign of Wisdom?

Today, I noticed my first white hair. It’s a small, wispy reminder that I’m getting older. But instead of feeling sad or stressed about aging, I choose to see it as a sign of wisdom.

Every year we live, we learn new lessons, gain new experiences, and grow wiser. Our white hairs are a physical manifestation of that wisdom and growth.

So, I embrace my first white hair. I’ll embrace everyone that comes after it too. And I’ll keep learning, growing, and becoming wiser every day.

I’m grateful for every year I’ve lived and for every lesson I’ve learned. I’m excited for all the wisdom and growth that’s yet to come.

I broke my pc

My computer crashed after giving it a little overclock, and nearly all its parts burned. With my current financial situation, I’m stuck for the next month. Luckily, I still have this phone. To my surprise, the operator gave me a 200 MB internet package, no idea why! Anyway, it’s fine, life goes on with Opera Mini these days.

August 23, 2010:
Just as I suspected, the system is completely down and there’s no hope for repair.

December 23:
2010 Got a new system. 5500 CPU, 4GB RAM, GT220 graphics and G41 motherboard. Let’s recharge the internet and get back to life.

How to destroy a TV show?

So, I’m watching “Prison Break” and my neighbor has already seen the whole series. And he drops a bomb on me – Michael is going to die in the end. Wow, I never saw that coming. I’m only a few episodes in and already have a major plot twist revealed to me. Gotta love having a neighbor who’s ahead of the game. But on the other hand, part of the excitement of watching a show is the anticipation of what’s going to happen next. Guess I’ll just have to keep watching and see if my neighbor was right. But in any case, if you’re behind on “Prison Break,” watch out for spoilers from well-informed neighbors!

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