Notes from thoughts, memories, and events

Tag: Blogging

Nowruz 2013

A few days ago marked the seventh anniversary of the opening of my blog. Seven years have passed since I first felt the need to have a place to share my thoughts and experiences. Over the years, this blog has become a collection of my journey through life, and I’m proud of all that it represents.

I have no intention of stopping my blogging journey, and I plan to continue writing more and more. I hope that the new year brings joy and success to everyone. I would like to extend my warm wishes for a Happy New Year. and Nowruz.

Nowruz 2011: A New Beginning

It was 3:50 AM on the first day of Farvardin (March 20th) when I received an email from the domain registrar informing me that my domain had been registered and was now set and ready for use. This meant that my personal blog was now online and accessible at ******.

In this blog, I plan to write about daily topics, thoughts, mini-essays, and memories.

The thought section will consist of notes that I write down while I’m pondering everything. The daily topics are self-explanatory, as they will include events from each day.

The mini-essays are like Twitter, where I write short phrases that come to my mind or if I see something that I’d like to share.

Memories are like a personal diary, which will be publicly available.

I wish everyone a Happy Nowruz, and I hope the future is much better than today.

The secound post

This is the second time I’m writing a post. I still haven’t gotten used to it. The world of blogging is strange to me. Blogging is a completely different experience from forums. In forums, you get immediate feedback and engagement from others who are also participating in the discussion. You get to hear what they have to say and respond to their thoughts. In contrast, with blogging, you’re mostly writing into the void. You hit the publish button and then wait, hoping that someone out there will find your words and engage with them. You don’t know who they are, what their background is, or what they might be looking for when they stumble across your words. It can be both exhilarating and intimidating at the same time, but ultimately it’s an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with a potentially huge audience, and that’s a pretty exciting thing.

In search of a place to write


A weblog is a place for writing and publishing daily thoughts and events. On your weblog, you can share your writings with thousands of people and read their comments as well. Today, I also became a weblog owner, thanks to one of my friends, and I intend to write about my daily events for you.

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