In less than a week, two animal shelters were attacked (!). First, the animals at the Varamin shelter were killed, and its owner was also stabbed. Then they attacked Mrs. Raoufi’s shelter, set it on fire, and both the animals living there and Mrs. Raoufi, the owner and founder, died in the fire.

I remember in a documentary, a gentleman in Germany says that there isn’t much pride in what’s happening here. Then he mentions that after World War II, Berlin was reduced to rubble, but within 60 years, its people rebuilt it. [So, we can rebuild our country too.]

I would love to tell him this news and ask for his opinion again. Physical ruins, yes. 60 years is a long time, but we can rebuild everything in 6 years. What about mental ruins? How do we deal with the stench of rotten thoughts? How do we rebuild it? How do we stand against the massive reproduction of these thoughts? What can we hope for here? What should we fix?