In late 2013, following my research on character design, I started a practical project called “Araz’s Giraffe” which later chose the name “Bug” for itself. The reason for choosing a giraffe as the main animal character was my personal interest in giraffes. This interest can be traced back to the first time I became acquainted with Darwin’s theory of evolution. Even Maggie, who was on my desk, had a giraffe design on herself for a long time.
Accordingly, the project started, and by opening a Twitter account for Bug, I began tweeting from its perspective. The role of Bug was similar to a pet that blinked around me and made funny comments. I drew a lot of inspiration for the details of the character of Bug from Pumuckl, the character in the Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl series.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I am no longer able to continue this project and the Bug account is no longer active.
Bug’s latest tweet was posted at 11:37 on October 21st, 2017.