Notes from thoughts, memories, and events

Month: April 2009

MyTabriz, A social network for Tabriz, a social network for the city of Tabriz, is now online and available for use. The network serves as a virtual community for Tabriz residents to connect with friends and acquaintances. It offers features such as photo albums, blogs, groups, forums, and voting. The use of is and will remain free.


  • Less than three months have passed and we have reached 1,000 users. Thanks to everyone.
  • The system was upgraded to version 4.1.2 with new features on the way.
  • Due to some personal problems, has merged with TabrizU and will now operate under the name Tabriz yo. All user information has been transferred to the new network and users can log in with their old credentials.

I just won Tabriz Computer Competition!

I heard about the competition from my school principal and without hesitation, I signed up. On the day of the competition, I showed up and gave it my all. And boy, was I pleasantly surprised! The competition was a lot smoother and easier than I had imagined.

But the real surprise came when I was walking through the school halls the next day. I saw a banner hanging and my name was on it! I had won the first place in the Tabriz Computer Competition.

Winning that competition was a defining moment for me. It made me realize the power of hard work and determination. I also learned that you never know what you’re capable of until you try. So don’t be afraid to chase your dreams and compete in the things you’re passionate about. You never know where it might take you.

So, to all the aspiring computer enthusiasts out there, my advice to you is to keep pushing yourself and never give up. You might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

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