Welcome to my personal blog. Just a heads up, by reading here, you agree to these few things:

  • Know that these are just my thoughts and opinions, not facts or laws. And what works for me might not work for you.
  • Take responsibility for any impact these ideas might have on your life – positive or negative. I’m just sharing, not guaranteeing.
  • If you republish anything here, just let me know. I appreciate it.
  • Most of the pics are mine unless stated otherwise. Don’t use ’em without asking.
  • Your comments are a privilege, not a right. I may choose to publish or not. And you can always ask me to edit or delete. Read the privacy policy for details.
  • No publishing of personal phone numbers.
  • Don’t sell anything I give away for free, like my books or translations. That’s illegal.
  • If you republish my posts elsewhere, give me credit and link back here. No big deal if you can’t.
  • The design of this blog is mine and not for transfer or republishing.