Hello there! I’m Araz Gholami, Designer, developer and blogger. Born in Tabriz, residing in various Turkish cities. A lover of mountaineering, music, coffee, and a huge fan of Harry Potter. Blogging since 2006, always striving to create things and software that are both creative and enjoyable. I design professionally and code in any language that the job requires. I value usability, typography, good user experience and accessibility highly. In my work, I never let new tools become outdated, constantly striving to stay current, but I believe that a tool is nothing without the person using it. If you take a look at my projects, you’ll feel the impact of this belief.

For over eight years, I’ve taught design and software development skills privately and remotely. I hold a bachelor’s degree in computer software engineering. During my military service, I served as a trainer for two years. I read a lot of exciting and inspiring books. Every day and night, I learn with enthusiasm and jot down anything I understand, sharing it on my blog. I go for walks at night and listen to podcasts and audiobooks. During my free time, I write and translate. If you want to know more about me, read my personal manifesto.

I started writing on a whim, inspired by a mix of literature classes and blogging. I hopped around to different blogs with different themes, but I never quite found my fit. It wasn’t until I discovered Twitter in 2009 that I finally found a platform I could stick with. I tweeted consistently until late 2017 when I decided to step away from social media for good and focus on writing a better, more modern, and sustainable blog. I gathered all my posts from Telegram, social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, 54,000 tweets, and old blogs along with comments and paper notes, and voila! You have what you see today.

The best, quickest, and easiest way to reach me is to send an email to [email][email protected][/email]. I’m not active on any social media network. In this post, I’ll explain why.

Me in the language of Numbers:
+5 years of life after migration. Staying strong after 4 fails.
+16 years of web and mobile software design and development experience
+7 years of private teaching and distance-learning web and mobile design and development skills
14 years old when I sold my first product
15 years old, starting financial, social, and mental independence
+120 conferences, seminars, and work-related sessions attended
+25 failed/abandoned (+) and successful (+) projects
+10 years of battling depression
+16 years of academic education in software engineering
+450 blog posts (the total of social network posts and 7 previous blogs)